Earth Cubic Spacetimestamp is a proposal for a geolocation system that was first discussed on the web in a public forum and is herein explained.
A matrix/grid of cubes with an edge of 21 million meters is centered on the center of mass of Earth and oriented along its imaginary axis (North-South), with Greenwich/Prime Meridian along the middle of the front.
It is a matrix of 9261000000000000000000 (21 million cubed) cubes of one meter cube each.
The timestamp is then added after a colon, using the UNIX timestamp format, but if the first digit after the colon is zero - or even if it is more zeros and that number of zeros is odd - the number of seconds is negative, that is, past UNIX birth. If the number of such zeros is pair, you would be referencing future cycles or time dimensions that couldn't be expressed, so succinctly, in other way.
There is no clear rule, but you would probably assume that the first cycle into the future is 22 "nines" in seconds. There is no definite rule, though. You could assume what you wanted. You could have future cycles of hundreds, thousands, or more, as you wished, of seconds into the future. A cycle into the past however will always have less than 22 digits in seconds!
The number 21 million, interestingly, is the limit of BTC that the bitcoin network will ever have in circulation. Interestingly, 21 million cubed has 22 digits. Using such number of digits we are talking not of billions, not of trillions, not of quadrillions, not of quintillions, but of sixtillions number of cubes.
This gives a compact, universal, unambiguous and simple way of expressing any geolocation on Earth, that just like a telephone number can easily be told.
It encompasses all geolocations on Earth, including the interior and surrounding of it, and it is a size that is good for that purpose. It is roughly the size of a cube of water that had the same mass of the Earth at normal pressure and temperature (NPT).
The order of the cubes is the following: the first cube is closest to the center of our Matrix of cubes, given that we have eight adjacent cubes there; and so the first (cube 0000000000000000000001) must be on what will be our first layer, approaching Greenwich/Prime Meridian, North and West. Then, the second cube, also on our first layer, is the adjacent cube on the right (facing it from the Greenwich/Prime Meridian).
We always go around till we complete the layer.
So facing our matrix of cubes from the Greenwich/Prime Meridian we have the following cube numbers:
17 18 19 20 21 22
36 5 6 7 8 23
35 16 1 2 9 24
34 15 4 3 10 25
33 14 13 12 11 26
32 31 30 29 28 27
And so on, till the layer is complete and we move on to the center of the next layer, alternating what will be the next layer to make our counting as natural, even and contiguous as possible.
The layers in the counting will be alternating as each is completed in the counting process so that the last two layers will be, namely, the closest one to the Greenwich/Prime Meridian and the one more far away from it, similar to the so called Front Face and Back Face of the Rubik's cube. All of our layers are parallel to those last two, obviously.
Twenty two digits are used for cube number and twenty two digits can be usedfor seconds but if less digits are needed for time less digits will be used. Example, 123456789023456789012:012345 (ECS)
Sometimes it may be useful to reference just the cube location and so the time component may be suppressed. Also a dash may be used to separate the prefix part that will be enough for computer systems to give a few auto-complete recommendations of the most likely inhabitable cubes with such prefix.
For instance, if the centre of the cube 7636535637373773383976 was the closest to the door of residential flat, but the prefix 7636535637 would restrict enough the possibilities of nearby inhabitable cubes, then the ECS would be: 7636535637-373773383976.
When typing the cube number in a mobile app, you would need only to type 7636535637 to get a single recommendation in the auto-complete options.
This system may reveal itself interesting for real estate where volumetric delimitation is so difficult in any other way. With this proposed system there is no need to define borders using a complicate set of coordinates: you just tell which cubes you are talking about.
You can even set a channel in a IRC channel with a cryptographic hash of a set of sequenced cubes, including if some cubes are in other disjointed areas, using the prefix of that hash for the name of your IRC channel or to create a hashtag for that places that you are talking about.
This system may also reveal itself interesting when moving in VR worlds. Imagine saying: "OK Google, cube 9... and as soon as you say 9 all cubes that start with 9 are highlighted, if you say another digit it will then restrict the number of cubes highlighted, and so on and so forth, if you keep going restricting it, the cubes may be so far from you that you cannot see them in your field of vision in which case you see a vector pointing in the direction of its center with the color of that vector representing the distance that such cube is apart from you (ranging from the coolest violet, if it were 0 meters apart to the hottest red if it was 21 million meters apart. Basically you just divide the distance in meters by 21 million meters to get the percentage and find the corresponding color in the visible spectrum of colors, 0% being violet and 100% being red).
So you could be exploring a world using the first digits of cubes to jump from one to another. For instance, if a place reminds you of a specific thing that you like to explore with cubes that start with 235... you just go on saying "OK Google new cube 235... and it will take you to the closest cube that starts with 235... that you haven't visited before. This way, you could be exploring worlds in a way that you will remember better. For instance you are in a village that makes you think it would be a great place to be in the summer, eating an icecream and with a hat of straw; and it also remembers you of specific friends that used to be around you in summer time during your hollidays. This is just an example, naturally many other things could be in your mind, like you could think this would be great place to live if you were a musician, or any other thing that could cross your mind, for that matter. Whatever you had in mind you could start exploring that world using a specific pattern in the first digits of the next cubes you would pick. So you could just say: "Next 235..." and it would take you to the closest cube that started with 235 in the direction and way you were moving towards.
Also you could just say four cubes to make a bezier curve since a bezier curve only needs four points to be specified. The centers of those four cubes would be the four points of your bezier curve. And you could then say the speed at which you wanted that curve to be travelled by. Specifing the bezier curves and their speeds allows one to create trajectories. You could then ask an app like Google Earth to render those travvelings at a specific date and time, under any weather/atmospheric circunstances that you wanted... Boom! Just using strings of 22 digits to make bezier curves, deciding the speeds for each of them, etc.and there you are: ready to render real world timelapsing videos as a God-like filmaker using Google Earth and stuff...
On top of that the system can be extended to go ad infinitum to smaller or greater scales "microcubing" or "macrocubing" each cube... Think about it... I may explain that better and develop on those ideas later on, at another time. But I suppose it is not difficult to guess what I mean. Once you focus on a specific cube you can make it into a grid of cubes applying the exact same method. And vice-versa.
May also be interesting to surf a virtual world using a map of cubes you are familiar with. For instance as you get used to move in your town using AR displaying the ECS grid of cubes (each labeled with its 22-digits number) you may then use that map of cubes to surf a diffrent world, poistioning it as you want - XYZ - in your reference/map of cubes. This may increase the pasticity of your brain and increase your memory and cognitive function as you will be making your brain flex and interconnect more memories interleaving and superimposing different worlds in different layers/areas of your inner worlds representations.
The author of this model, Daniel Alexandre, a Portuguese with a Bachelor in Computers Engineering from the London South Bank University - living in London - admits this model and system of geolocation may have had inspiration and influence from The Matrix and Cube movies; and also from the Rubik cube toy and Minecraft videogame.
And, of course, you can use a 22-digits ECS cube as a #hashtag to tell where about you are or are talking about. Like this one: #3141592653589793238462 inspired in the number Pi.
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